Our database contains the most complete collection of works, you can quickly read from your mobile p...
Our database contains the most complete collection of works, you can quickly read from your mobile phone. So you and your works will be with you, enough to take a mobilnyy phone in advance to open the necessary you work.This appendix presents essays, summaries, descriptions, writers: Pushkin AS, AS Griboyedov, Lermontov M.Yu., NV Gogol, Anton Chekhov and many others.For the application, you need an internet connection.The content of the essay:Pushkin AS- Author and hero in the novel Pushkins "Eugene Onegin"- digression in "Eugene Onegin" novel- My perception of Pushkins poetry- The image of Moscow- The birth of realism in the lyrics of Pushkin- The role of the landscape in the lyrics Pushkin- Tatiana and Onegin- The theme of the poet and poetry in the lyrics of Pushkin- The theme of freedom in the lyrics of PushkinAS Griboyedov- The ideological and compositional role of Sophia in the way of comedy Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"- As the conflict deepened vnestsenicheskie characters comedy "Woe from Wit"- Comedy Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" - realistic work- Tragedy Chatsky- Chatsky OneginMY Lermontov- Female Images in the novel by Mikhail Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"- Lermontov and Pechorin- Love lyrics Lermontov- The image of Russia in the lyrics Lermontov- The plot and the composition of the novel "Hero of Our Time"- Artistic originality of the novel by Mikhail Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"Gogol NV- "Gogol owe a lot to those who need protection"- lyrical digressions in the poem by Nikolai Gogol "Dead Souls"- The image of the road in the poem by Nikolai Gogol "Dead Souls"- The image of Chichikov - "Knight penny"- A fantastic and realistic picture of reality in the works of Nikolai GogolSaltykov-Shchedrin ME- The ideological orientation of satire Saltykov-Shchedrin- Tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin- The fate of Russia (based on the novel M. E.Saltykova-Shchedrins "History of a Town")Nekrasov NA- The image of Russian women in the lyrics Nekrasov- The images of strangers and pilgrims in a poem Nekrasov "Who Lives Well in Russia"- Threads lyrics Nekrasovs poem "Who Lives Well in Russia"Chekhov AP- Art Chekhov prose skills- Chekhovs artistic skill as a dramatist- Three generations of a play by Anton Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard"- Life and garden (on the play by Anton Chekhovs "The Cherry Orchard")- The passage of time in the comedy by Anton Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard"- The originality of plot construction of Chekhovs "The Cherry Orchard"FM Dostoevsky- the system image in the novel FM Dostoevskys "Crime and Punishment"- The tragedy of Raskolnikov in the novel FM Dostoevskys "Crime and Punishment"- "Kill? Kill something right to have "(OtnoshenieF Dostoevsky to the" action hero. "- characteristic of the person of the sixties of the XIX century)?- Time and space in the novels of Fyodor Dostoevsky- Features of psychology in the novel FM Dostoevskys "Crime and Punishment"- "The pain of the man" (YA Dob) in the works of Fyodor DostoyevskyAN Ostrovsky- Heartwarming drama Catherine- The problem of human dignity in the drama by Alexander Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"- Womens fate in the plays of A. H. Ostrovskys "Thunderstorm" and "Bride"- The value of the secondary characters in the plays of Alexander Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" and "Bride"- "Funny People" Karandyshev from the play by Alexander Ostrovsky "Bride"LN Tolstoy- "War and Peace" - meaning the name of the epic H. L. Tolstoy- "The idea of national" in the novel LN Tolstoys "War and Peace"- Spiritual searching Andrei Bolkonsky (based on the novel LN Tolstoys War and Peace)- The problem of true and false patriotism in the novel LN Tolstoys "War and Peace"- "The idea of the family" in the novel LN Tolstoys "War and Peace"- Ideological and Moral Evolution personality Pierre Pierre- Female Images in the novel LN Tolstoys "War and Peace"- Leo Tolstoy on the role of the individual and the people in the stories (based on the novel "War and Peace")etc